Thursday, September 2, 2010

Review: Kinnikinnick Foods S'moreables Graham Style Crackers

I took the girls on vacation for the first time  in YEARS: camping on a sandy beach, with legendary wild ponies nearby. 

The sun was hot, the surf was rough and when the sun set, the mosquitoes were huge, thick and hungry. We pitched the tents in a wild breeze and managed to keep the woodfire burning. S'Mores were very much on my mind. After a search, I had found a precious box of gluten-free graham crackers. Life was good.Well, in theory, anyway.

These Kinnikinnick Graham Crackers are not S'Mores-friendly. They taste like graham - but the texture is all wrong. They are a lot like shortbread cookies. They'll hold a toasted marshmallow and a melty chocolate square- but when I bit into the s'more, the filling oozed out long before the cracker broke. Tasty, but not very S'More-y.

As a cookie, I give it 4 stars, but as a graham cracker, I give it just 2 stars.

Kinnikinnick Foods Web site:

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